Hi! I’m Yoshua


Living with ADHD has presented its challenges, but I found solace in gardening. My dream of a balanced and peaceful life intertwined with nature led me to explore the integration of plants and animals into my everyday life. However, the high costs of housing and property in the Netherlands kept my dream at bay. It was during a visit to my parents in Sweden that I realised the potential for change. In just two months, I made the move to Sweden, where the nurturing environment and connection to nature inspired me to pursue Edens Gård. 

My vision is to create a harmonious space where I can live in synergy with nature, give back to the community, and offer an alternative path to peace for individuals with ADHD and Autism, without relying on substances. Sweden saved me, and now I'm dedicated to giving back to this beautiful country and its people.

Discover what we have build! 


Explore our carefully grown products and discover the beauty of sustainable living. Choose from our range of offerings and take the first step towards a healthier, greener future. Start your journey today!

Gather the Freshest Produce


With our vegetable subscription, you can come to Edens Gård and pick your fresh farm-to-table veggies. They are grown sustainably for the most nutritious food we can grow. So you have healthy and nutritious food on your plate every day.

Pick your flower Bouquet


Immerse yourself in our paradisiacal flower fields, handpick vibrant seasonal blooms, and bring the joy of sustainable, budget-friendly flower picking into your home.

Your Path to Peace


Each day, my garden became a refuge from ADHD's chaos, a sanctuary where growth's beauty outshone the noise. Nurturing seedlings and celebrating vibrant blooms filled me with newfound pride. And so can you!

Subscribe for fresh produce
Subscribe for fresh blooms
Claim your free Mini course
Gather the Freshest Produce


With our vegetable subscription, you can come to Edens Gård and pick your fresh farm-to-table veggies. They are grown sustainably for the most nutritious food we can grow. So you have healthy and nutritious food on your plate every day.

Subscribe for fresh produce
Pick your flower Bouquet


Immerse yourself in our paradisiacal flower fields, handpick vibrant seasonal blooms, and bring the joy of sustainable, budget-friendly flower picking into your home.

Subscribe for fresh blooms
Your Path to Peace


Each day, my garden became a refuge from ADHD's chaos, a sanctuary where growth's beauty outshone the noise. Nurturing seedlings and celebrating vibrant blooms filled me with newfound pride. And so can you!

Claim your free Mini course

Eden Exclusives


Join Eden Exclusives, where we nurture your passion for organic food, permaculture, regenerative farming, and the wonders of nature. Get exclusive insights, tips, and news straight from the heart of Yoshua's Eden.