A Complete Kohlrabi Grow Guide: The German Turnip

brassicaceae vegetable

Greetings, fellow green thumbs! Today, we're delving into the delightful world of kohlrabi, a vegetable that's as quirky as its name. Growing kohlrabi organically is like nurturing your own little garden oddball, and I'm here to guide you through this exciting journey with extensive explanations and a touch of garden magic. So, tighten your gardening gloves, and let's embark on this kohlrabi adventure together!

Step 1: Welcoming Kohlrabi to Your Garden

Kohl-what?: Kohlrabi, pronounced "coal-rah-bee," is a peculiar-looking veggie that resembles a UFO that crash-landed in your garden. Its taste? A delightful blend of mild broccoli stem and peppery radish.

Metric Measurements: We're going metric in this guide! When planting, think centimeters, not inches.

Growing Season: Kohlrabi thrives in cool weather, making it perfect for spring and fall planting. Avoid the scorching summer sun.

Step 2: Selecting Your Garden Spot

Sunshine Lover: Kohlrabi adores the sun but can handle some shade, especially in warmer regions. Aim for 6-8 hours of sunlight per day.

Perfect pH: Your garden soil should have a pH level of around 6.0-7.0, slightly acidic to neutral. Kohlrabi prefers well-draining soil rich in organic matter.

Plant Spacing: When sowing kohlrabi seeds, place them about 7-10 centimeters apart. Give these little oddballs some elbow room.

Step 3: Planting the Kohlrabi Seeds

Sow the Seeds: Plant your kohlrabi seeds about 1-2 centimeters deep into the soil. Pat them gently and create rows about 30-40 centimeters apart.

Keep It Moist: Ensure the soil remains consistently moist but not waterlogged. Think "happy dance" moisture levels.

Step 4: TLC for Your Kohlrabi Babies

Thinning Time: When your kohlrabi seedlings reach about 5 centimeters in height, thin them to 15-20 centimeters apart. It's like giving your garden family room to grow.

Weed Warfare: Battle those pesky weeds to give your kohlrabi the spotlight they deserve. Mulching helps keep the weeds at bay.

Step 5: Nutrient Nourishment

Feeding Frenzy: Kohlrabi isn't a heavy feeder, but they do appreciate a balanced organic fertilizer. Feed them when they're about 10-15 centimeters tall.

Watch the Leaves: If your kohlrabi's leaves start looking pale or yellow, they're dropping hints for some extra nitrogen.

Step 6: Fending Off Pests and Allies

Good Company: Kohlrabi gets along with marigolds, dill, and nasturtiums. Plant them nearby to keep the pests away.

Vigilant Gardening: Keep an eye out for unwanted guests like cabbage worms and aphids. Handpick or use organic solutions to show them the exit.

Step 7: The Grand Harvest

Harvest Time: Kohlrabi is ready for the picking when their bulbous stems reach about 5-10 centimeters in diameter. Use a sharp knife or shears to snip them about 2.5 centimeters above the ground.

Don't Delay: Don't wait too long to harvest, or your kohlrabi might turn tough and fibrous. Promptness pays off!

Step 8: Savoring the Unique Flavor

Now that you've harvested your homegrown kohlrabi, it's time to savor the delightful taste and revel in the joy of gardening. Whether you slice it up for a refreshing snack, toss it into salads, or cook it into a mouthwatering dish, your kohlrabi is a testament to your green-thumb prowess.

Embrace the quirks of this alien-looking vegetable, and watch your garden thrive. May your kohlrabi bulbs grow plump and your gardening journey be filled with wonder and delicious homegrown goodness. Happy growing!

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