Come by and see Edens Gård for yourself


I love having guests at our Permaculture Garden. Experience the beauty of where your flowers bloom and your food grows. For visitors, indulge in the magic with a box of handpicked vegetables for 50€ or a radiant flower bouquet for 30€. However, for our cherished members, the joy is boundless – your subscription includes complimentary access to pick your own veggies and bouquets, ensuring you savor the full abundance of our permaculture paradise without any extra cost. Come, explore, and harvest the freshness at Edens Gård!


Become a member of Edens Gård

Plan your trip to Edens Gård right here

Planning a visit? Here's our address and directions to reach our green oasis. If you have any questions or just want to chat about gardening, feel free to reach out. We're here to help you cultivate your gardening dreams.


Jämsunda 42

370 33 Tving

Karlskrona municipality


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Join Eden Exclusives, where we nurture your passion for organic food, permaculture, regenerative farming, and the wonders of nature. Get exclusive insights, tips, and news straight from the heart of Edens Gård.