Welcome to Edens Gård


Where you can pick vibrant bouquets and harvest fresh ingredients for healthy recipes on our permaculture farm. Explore nature's beauty and learn about sustainability.

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Welcome to Edens Gård


Where you can pick vibrant bouquets and harvest fresh ingredients for healthy recipes on our permaculture farm. Explore nature's beauty and learn about sustainability.

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Gardening with Kids: A Natural Approach to ADHD

Designing and Building a ADHD- Friendly Garden

How Gardening Transformed My Life with ADHD

Find out More
Free ADHD Garden Quickstart

Embark on a Year of Bounty

Gather the Freshest Produce


Experience the pinnacle of farm-to-table freshness with Edens Gård's Vegetable Picking Subscription! For just 300€ a year per person, immerse yourself in the vibrant, nutrient-rich world of our permaculture paradise. Handpick your own veggies in a healthy, nurturing environment. Elevate your culinary experience – subscribe now and relish the unrivaled flavors and vitality of truly fresh produce, straight from our bountiful gardens to your kitchen.


Pick your flower Bouquet


Enhance your connection with nature with Edens Gård's Flower Bouquet Picking Subscription! For an additional 50€ on the Vegetable Picking Subscription or 150€ as a standalone option, revel in the joy of handpicking your own vibrant blooms in our enchanting permaculture paradise. Immerse yourself in the beauty of a healthy, nurturing environment. Elevate your surroundings – subscribe now and enjoy the unrivaled freshness of your own handpicked flower bouquets, bringing the essence of our bountiful gardens into your home.

Subscribe to fresh Vegetables and Blooms

Embark on a Year of Bounty

Gather the Freshest Produce


Experience the pinnacle of farm-to-table freshness with Edens Gård's Vegetable Picking Subscription! For just 300€ a year per person, immerse yourself in the vibrant, nutrient-rich world of our permaculture paradise. Handpick your own veggies in a healthy, nurturing environment. Elevate your culinary experience – subscribe now and relish the unrivaled flavors and vitality of truly fresh produce, straight from our bountiful gardens to your kitchen.


Pick your flower Bouquet


Enhance your connection with nature with Edens Gård's Flower Bouquet Picking Subscription! For an additional 50€ on the Vegetable Picking Subscription or 150€ as a standalone option, revel in the joy of handpicking your own vibrant blooms in our enchanting permaculture paradise. Immerse yourself in the beauty of a healthy, nurturing environment. Elevate your surroundings – subscribe now and enjoy the unrivaled freshness of your own handpicked flower bouquets, bringing the essence of our bountiful gardens into your home.

Subscribe Now!

Join Edens GĂĄrd

The Story Behind Edens Gård


Passionate about permaculture and regenerative farming, I am establishing Eden Gård in Tving, Sweden, a haven for sustainable living and healthy eating. We're dedicated to providing affordable, healthy, and unprocessed food while teaching the path to a sustainable, healthier life. 


More about me

"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition." 


Thomas Edison

Eden Exclusives


Join Eden Exclusives, where we nurture your passion for organic food, permaculture, regenerative farming, and the wonders of nature. Get exclusive insights, tips, and news straight from the heart of Edens GĂĄrd.